How to play super blitz online

This article discovers secrets of super blitz chess from people who played thousands games over the internet and have very good results with world top chess players. Here you can find many thoughts on strategy and tactics of this chess “madness”. Super blitz is a type of time control where each side has 1-2 minutes for the entire game. Its rules differ in terms of strategy and tactics from the usual blitz game and of course rapid chess. It is a game with permanent shortage of time.

Playing blitz in a park
Playing blitz in a park

Many weak players usually call super blitz as “antichess”, “perversion”, etc. However, it is just another type of chess, available only for advanced players who have in their asset thousands of blitz games. Please note, we do not recommend novice players to spend much time on it. It can greatly slow their improvement. What are basic hardware requirements for it? For a successful play one should have wide internet channel with a ping time to the game server no more than 100 ms. We recommend to set a chess board to a medium size (10-15 cm) because it could increase moves speed. And don’t forget to plug to your computer high-definition optic mouse.

There are several possible strategies of super blitz chess we should mention.

In the first case one could to force an opponent to make more “deliberate” moves, trying not to simplify the position, but rather complicate it, create new threats, passed pawns, pins, etc. This behavior may force your opponent to search for a new game plan or defense spending a lot of time. In another case you could play home prepared and well-studied middlegame schemas. As a result of home preparation you may spend less time on each move.

What about some tips that could increase your chances during a game? There is well-known rule that time advantage during super blitz has the same value as a chess piece. So your task is to maximize time loss by an opponent. One of the best ways to do that is to play non-standard openings, rare variants and gambit continuations.

Or you can solve this problem from other side – the maximum saving your own time. In this case it’s better to choose closed systems without pawns exchange with obvious moves.
Try to play the game on different flanks. You opponent will transfer attention from one flank of the board to another. It is very time consuming operation and requires high concentration. In some situations player in response to an opponent’s attack on the queenside may organize a counterattack at the kingside.

The trickiest piece of chessmen is of course a knight. Their moves could be not expectable.
If you have more time and can repeat moves – repeat! But do not let a threefold repetition of position that would lead to a draw.

There are some advices how to play against a weak player:

  • Try to play in attacking style
  • Soon as possible open a pawn center and organize the attack on the King
  • Use massive pawns attack on the opponent King position, even by opening your own position
  • If possible, do not change pieces, they needed for attack.

Keep in mind that a weak player can play much faster than you (doing up to 10 moves per second), but most of his moves would be weak and without a general plan. Therefore, it is important as quickly as possible to develop a plan of attack and to proceed with its implementation.

How to play blitz against a strong player:

  • Play from the defense
  • Play closed positions, do not exchange pawns
  • Try to change pieces to go to the endgame

By selecting a closed system with a stable pawn chain, do not rush to do an exchange moves. Pawns on a kingside are more vulnerable against an attack than in the center. If a level of strength of players differs slightly, the side with material advantage usually has less time. In other worlds one player tries to realize a material (at least – positional) advantage, while the other tries to shoot down the opponent flag.

Tactics for the player realizing an advantage:

  • Let an opponent to do forced and defensive moves. In this case, you have full control over a chessboard and can quickly attack without thinking about the position of your own King.
  • If, in your estimation, in the next 10 moves you can win by a checkmate – play for the checkmate.
  • When you don’t see an obvious checkmate then try to simplify a position, change pieces and create passed pawns. The less pieces you opponent have, the less he will resist, which means the faster you win. Therefore it is better to spend a few moves to destroy the enemy’s camp, and then quickly play for a checkmate than just trying to win without an obvious victory plan.
  • In cases of wild time trouble (at least 10-15 seconds before the end of a game) the best is to change all pieces by any means guaranteeing at least a draw.
  • Use a simple checkmate techniques that does not require much thinking.

Tactics in worse position:

  • When your position is worse and other side has time trouble, it is necessary to change the goal: instead of protecting position, try to knock down the enemy flag. You can spend too much time on defense which is very expensive in super blitz chess. Try to put your pieces on active position, where they have a large area of action.
  • Checking, especially with knights. Your opponents have to defend, detracting from an attack on your King.
  • Actively advance pawns on the flanks, including trying to promote them in Queens. Active moves without a plan often bring down an opponent.
  • When other player has less than 15-10 seconds you can use the unexpected piece sacrifices and checks. The correctness of the sacrifice is irrelevant; the main thing that the enemy was not prepared for this.

In rare cases late in the game there is an obvious draw situation because of lack of material. In this case it is the best to repeat moves, showing your opponent that you agree to a draw. And, if possible, offer a draw. In the end, try not to forget, that blitz chess is just one of way to make fun. Try not to take this very seriously.

26-th of October 2010